

We are so confident in TRITHOR - AUSTRALIA'S NUMBER ONE termite security system - we offer a comprehensive 50 year termite damage warranty to ensure you have peace of mind in the unlikely event that TRITHOR fails to provide adequate protection.
The STANDARD Warranty cover is provided at no charge, and is extended each year subject to annual inspection by your TRITHOR Installer in accord with the recommendations of the Australian Standard AS 3660. PREMIUM Cover is available for a small extra fee and provides extra benefits for you as detailed in the table below:

CodeMark is a new building product certification scheme administered by the Australian Building Codes Board.
Third-party CodeMark certification bodies evaluate and certify products to ensure they meet specified requirements of the Building Code.
CodeMark gives users the confidence that their building products comply and relevant legislation requires building control authorities to accept CodeMark certified products.
TRITHOR Termite Protection holds a CodeMark Certificate of Conformity, CM40255, confirming compliance with the Building Code of Australia Volume One and Volume Two including Queensland and Northern Territory variations, as a termite protection system to deter concealed subterranean termite entry into buildings.
Independent trials, conducted in accordance with the requirements of AS 3660 Termite management Part 3 Assessment criteria for termite management systems and other tests show that TRITHOR will remain as an effective termite protection system in excess of 50 years, even in tropical situations.
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