Leading edge solutions that guarantee the highest catch rates make VECTOTHOR Flying Insect Killer Light Traps the premium choice for HACCP food management programs, the hospitality industry, hospitals, indeed for anyone who wants peak performance in their flying insect management program.
Highest catch rates and peak performance define Vectothor’s comprehensive range of fly traps for residential, commercial and industrial facilities. Our HACCP-compliant, university proven performance, environmentally responsible and premium quality electric bug zappers have been scientifically designed according to the houseflies’ unique biology.
Our lamps emit UV-A light (300-420 nm that appeals to housefly’s vision spectrum) at 10,000 cycles per second that appear as a constant beam (non-flickering) to attract the most number of flies. With additional Natural Contrast Grids and temperature-optimised glueboards (works effectively even in tropical temperatures), the performance is unmatched which makes us stand out in the field of effective fly control.
Our electronic pest control solutions include scientifically designed units with coverage of up to 1700+ square feet. Our ongoing and long-term solutions have continuously captured the most number of flies and prevented many contamination opportunities in different commercial, chemical, metal processing, oil and manufacturing facilities in USA, Canada and Mexico.
We have residential and professional units that are rigorously tested for effectiveness in varying conditions. We found out that different facilities have different requirements, which is why we dedicated our time researching about the requirements and the special concerns of various facilities. As a result, our premium and cost-effective fly traps are sure to deliver excellent results even in industrial areas with harsh working environments.


Most powerful UV-A Light Traps on the market

VECTOTHOR Natural UV-A Sunlight Technology™

VECTOTHOR Heat Trapment Technology™

VECTOTHOR Heat Trapment Technology™

Environmentally responsible design

HACCP Compliant

ENSYSTEX Quality Satisfaction or a full refund
ENSYSTEX Support 24HRS 365 Days a year

Phone: +61 2 9364 1800
Email: info@vectothor.com
Address:Warehouse D, Building 6, The Switchyard 161 Manchester RoadAuburn NSW 2144
VECTOTHOR is registered trademark of Ensystex, Inc.