High performance sealant.
NOVITHOR Termite Proof Flexi-Gel is a high performance neutral cure silicone sealant and adhesive, specifically formulated for termite proofing buildings.
It is suitable for use indoors, outdoors or in confined spaces. It is used for termite proofing construction joints and saw cuts in slabs; termite proofing control joints in brickwork or block work; termite proofing tilt slab panels and securing tilt panels; filling construction and expansion joints or crevices in the slab and in Australia for joining ant-capping.
Termites are unable to penetrate the NOVITHOR Termite Proof Flexi-Gel that has been fully tested in rigorous trials with the CSIRO.

The NOVITHOR Pesticide Free Termite Protection System is safe, proven, reliable and is backed by the international strength of Ensystex, the global leader in termite protection.
* Warranty is renewable each year for 50 years subject to a required annual inspection at your expense.See Warranty document for complete details.
Phone: 13 35 36 • +61 2-9364 1800 l Address: Warehouse D, Building 6, The Switchyard, 161 Manchester Road, Auburn NSW 2144
NOVITHOR is a registered trademarks of Ensystex, Inc., used under licence in Australia by Ensystex Australasia Pty Ltd.