Masonry Protection
NOVITHOR Termite Proofing Resin is a liquid formulation containing a specially formulated blend of resins. It is applied to masonry mortar joints and rendered masonry surfaces. It contains no pesticides and is easily applied by a low pressure spray. Application can be done either during construction or to protect existing buildings.
The NOVITHOR liquid carries the resins deep into the substrate to be protected, typically penetrating 20 mm or deeper. The liquid then evaporates off leaving the resins invisibly embedded in the substrate where they solidify to form a granite-like impenetrable barrier that termites simply cannot get past.
Microscopic technology
An untreated property is vulnerable to attack by termites. Termites burrow into cracks, removing sediment as they travel and their secretions break down normal mortar over time. These processes create an open door for termites to invade your home, coming and going at will.
NOVITHOR Termite-Proofing Resin locks together the sand and cement particles to form an impenetrable termite proof barrier.

The NOVITHOR Pesticide Free Termite Protection System is safe, proven, reliable and is backed by the international strength of Ensystex, the global leader in termite protection.
* Warranty is renewable each year for 50 years subject to a required annual inspection at your expense.See Warranty document for complete details.
Phone: 13 35 36 • +61 2-9364 1800 l Address: Warehouse D, Building 6, The Switchyard, 161 Manchester Road, Auburn NSW 2144
NOVITHOR is a registered trademarks of Ensystex, Inc., used under licence in Australia by Ensystex Australasia Pty Ltd.